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Props and things that were used - #24

   To add more depth to my film, I had to include props. Most of what was used can be seen in most households. This part of the production was fun for me and the cast since we picked out what would be most important and critical for the project.

  For starters, we needed to decide whose car to use for the getaway part, as this would be the most fun and biggest thing that would be included. The decision got down to my and Marco's car. We both agreed to use my car since this was my film, and it looked the most sporty.

  The other props that were important included all of the gym equipment. Since I already owned everything, we didn't need to look far for any items. These consisted of boxing gloves, punching bags, a power cage, and weights. These were critical since the mentor, Miguel, would be someone who trained seriously in the gym all the time.

  The final prop that I thought should be added was a water bottle. This water bottle was a small, but important detail that I wanted to include to symbolize the bond between Miguel and Tim. I included this when they first meet and become properly acquainted, as well as when Tim heads off home.


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