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An obstacle that needed to be overcome - #18

  A good film project does not come without its issues. Throughout my progression of creating the final project, some problems have arisen that have caused some delays in the process. To fully understand why these problems have occurred, we must dive into what is needed in the film.

  To create a film at all, you must have good cinematic shots. The problem with this is finding the right angle. For instance, I needed to film a scene in which a car drives off. To do this, I needed to decide whether the camera should be placed at a low, or high angle, as well as close, or far.

  Following what is seen on the screen, sound would also need to be synthesized with the viewing. To make the sound of the car driving off, I decided to pre-record the sound of the engine revving. This would be great for the foley sound element. 

  To tie everything in this one part together, I would need to put the clips in the correct order. For this part of the process, I used iMovie for the editing. A draft of the part that I filmed is shown below:


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