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How can lighting be used? - #9

   Lighting is an important element in interesting an audience. It can help to alter their focus on certain things that are being shown. To make my project pop on screen, I must explore all of the different types of ways that lighting can be used.

  Natural light can be a great way to illuminate the settings of a scene, whether it be outside using the sun as light, or inside using the sun to shine light through windows. It is definitely an easy source of lighting to find and use as well. Implementing this may not be as difficult, as I would be able to use the lighting of the sun during the day, or the moon at night.

  Another form of lighting that can be used is artificial lighting. This may consist of street lamps, flashlights, LED panels, or just plain lightbulbs. Given this information, filming with any of these sources of lighting may be no problem.

  One issue concerning lighting, however, is how it may affect the tone of the scene. For example, if it is cloudy outside and a scene is meant to be in a brighter, uplifting mood, the sun may not be out to illuminate as well, causing the film to look less vibrant. Knowing this, I will try to work around the issue of natural lighting, and focus on how lighting in general should be used in a scene.



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